GENOME: The Secret of How Life Works FACT SHEET

WHAT: “GENOME: The Secret of How Life Works” is a new traveling exhibition touring major science centers and natural history museums throughout North America.

MADE POSSIBLE BY: The exhibit is made possible by Pfizer Inc.

It was produced by Evergreen Exhibitions in collaboration with the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research.

PURPOSE: To explore the human genome-a person’s entire set of genes-and explain the secret codes that make us who we are and who we might become. “GENOME” uses artifacts, engrossing environments and family-friendly activities to reveal the mysteries of our genes, the last two centuries of discovery and the implications of gene therapy for the future of medical science.

SECTIONS: 1) The Secret of You (entry), 2) The Secrets of Life, 3) Discovery, 4) Living on the Frontier

EXHIBIT SIZE: 5,000 square feet

LENGTH OF TOUR: 15 cities over 5 years


Giant Double Helix. Spectacular in size with flashing lights synchronized to music and video, a 25-foot-long recreated double helix offers a quick study in the basics of DNA.

Cell Explorer. A moveable flat video screen lets visitors navigate a large map of a cell and discover the workings of its parts and processes.

Cookie Factory. Animated cookie machine shows how a company cranking out cookies resembles a cell making proteins.

Watson/Crick Model Set. Visitors can observe a replica of Watson and Crick’s original 1953 double helix model set in a remake of their Cambridge lab.

Reality Check Theatre. Visitors leave the exhibit informed, entertained and inspired after viewing this video presentation of contemporary genetic issues, such as proteomics and genetic testing.


For additional information on this Genome article, please contact:

Mike Kempf
(210) 599-0045

Source: Evergreen Exhibitions